A little pre-amble... Wasn't really sure where to put this, so I decided here, for now.
I recently finished up some work with a fellow Guild member, Steffen Brand.
He works for Ulisses Spiele, and he contacted me to work on some encounter maps for the Wrath & Glory starter set.
Wrath & Glory is a Warhammer 40k rpg being developed by Ulisses, with approval from Games Workshop.

I posted some close ups from the first map, Ork Workshop, the other week.
These are all from a 24" x 30" encounter map, which was bigger than I'm used to.
But it was fun to work on. This one particularly. I always liked the Realm of Chaos stuff for Warhammer and WH40K.
This temple is unusual as it incorporates all 4 of the chaos powers, which wouldn't normally be in the same space.
If money was no concern, I would have spent even more time and added even more crazy detail in here.
Warhammer chaos is fun to work on. ;P

Anyways, here ya go... Chaos Temple, underground
The Bloody way leading in...__________...Near Nurgle chamber...
Chaos Temple-Ulisses US-01 by jstevenson.jpg - Chaos Temple-Ulisses US-02 by jstevenson.jpg

Some Slaanesh atmosphere..._________...Closer to Khorne...
Chaos Temple-Ulisses US-03 by jstevenson.jpg - Chaos Temple-Ulisses US-04 by jstevenson.jpg

Entering Tzeentch chamber...
Chaos Temple-Ulisses US-05 by jstevenson.jpg