Excellent! You are a genius Meshon - I knew you could do it.

But we need it much bigger - at over 3000 pixels long please. Save it as a jpg (90% quality), post it up here, and I will remove the white bits with the fuzzy select tool manually. That should work fine.

Your middle two tiers are perfect, so upload that version and we can cut those out of it. But it would be great if you could curve it to make the lowest (walkway) tier, and remake the uppermost tier.

The other thing we need to do is to remake the stage a bit better. I can make the metal bits, ropes and that sort of thing So can you make us some amazing intricately curving wooden planks? We can keep simple floorboards in the main part of the stage, but it would be lovely to have a curving wooden frame and curving wooden steps up the side of the stage.

Here's the wood texture I was using - it's not seamless but seams on planks are easy to fix. If you do spend lots of time stitching this floor together to make it seamless when you are doing the curving, then it makes sense for you to use all the wood. If you find a nicer texture use that instead obviously - but we do need to stick with a single texture for everything I think.

Go team!

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	wooden_floorboards.JPG 
Views:	4158 
Size:	1.28 MB 
ID:	54171