I've been so busy with client work since February. I feel like i have missed a lot here at the Guild.
It's always a tough balance between work.. and well, everything else. I work too much.
I need to get back to the Guild city section. Maybe this coming weekend.

Anyhoo, this one started life as a simpler quick commission for a regular client a few years back who needed a quick setting for a personal gaming session.
I pulled it out the other day and decided to give it a polish and make some changes to it.
That got me thinking about what people might like for their game sessions.
I have some other game locations projects that are at various levels of completion and wanted to see if this was something people would want to support.

So I'm starting with this one. On social media sites I'll post a decent but lower res version and direct people to patreon to grab a larger res version.
Patrons will get even larger versions of each one, outside and inside. Maybe that will be part of what I do each month, along with other random things.
There are many projects I work on at different times and so I tend to have a bit of an assortment at any given time.

This map is not gridded, but can be if people want or need that.

If you enjoy this stuff and find it useful, please consider supporting these sorts of individual artist projects, mine or others. It helps a lot.
Thanks to all of my patrons.

Summer Palace pavilion 2018[lores] by sirinkman.jpg