You also need to be cautious with the numbers. For example, Jaipur is classified a steppe but receive a little more than R. Inside one climate one can see huge differences. Lisbon (Csb) is a Mediterranean climate but R=4 it's pretty wet. While Los Angeles (Csa) is barely above 1. It's not always clear because categories includes a broad range of possibilities.

I like these formulas because they take into account that precipitation have a different impact depending when it fall.
Logically, if precipitation evaporate at a slower rate in winter, the water (or snow) will stay longer in the environment and thus will have a bigger impact on nature. In theory.

Two cities receive the same amount of precipitation for the year. City A is summer dry and City B is winter dry. Over the course of the year, which of the two cities will be the driest?

areas classified as savanna/monsoonal close to the tropics now seem Arid (desert?) all throughout the year and steppes at higher latitudes now have a properly Humid season, making them maritime/mediterranean.
plausible, but having a wet season does not always make the steppes a maritime/mediterranean climate. Only if they are not too far from the water.