Some things. Judging by modern book covers it is first of all very bizarre to see the title left justified instead of centered or graphically played about with. The second thing is that I've noticed modern book covers are very mono-tonal (black and white, only with blue and black, or red and black etc.) Doubtless this will change, but it kind of sounds like you are mostly ready to publish around NOW (very commendable, and actually amazing, such a task requires such discipline as to be monumental). That said I am kind of plastered right now and some idiot (me) has allowed me access to the internet, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt. I have to agree sir Staff until I noticed the water line rivers and streams I assumed the darker part to be the ocean. All that idiotic rambling said, I actually like the colours you have there (apart from the forever jarring white.) I have to say with composition and colour you are well on you way, but haven't brought it quite together (please shoot me).