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Thread: Google earth styled planet map

  1. #1
    Guild Novice Jice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Map Google earth styled planet map

    Hello all!
    I decided to experiment on getting a high resolution satelitte map for my world.

    for that I used an ensemble of tools:
    Photoshop to create the continental shapes
    wilbur to create the topography of said continents
    Fractal terrains 3+ to get the basic image climate (with an image climate of my own)
    and then some AI (stable diffusion with Comfy UI) to upscale my result and get an high res satelite map.

    I find the results quite impressive and wanted to share them with you.

    The world

    The WIP Atlas map

    The Satelite map (full res is 32k by 16k but is too big to be uploaded here)

    The world seen in google earth

    full zoom

    If some of you are interested in the process I will post a step by step guide on how to achieve this (if the use and discussion of AI tools is tolerated on this forum)

  2. #2


    This is an interesting process, but it notably didn't seem to produce any deserts, or really much in terms of long range texture variability. In a way it mimics AI language model output when you ask it to produce something original: superficially decent, but kind of meh and lacking in precise details when you start to really dig in.

  3. #3
    Guild Novice Jice's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by MrBragg View Post
    This is an interesting process, but it notably didn't seem to produce any deserts, or really much in terms of long range texture variability. In a way it mimics AI language model output when you ask it to produce something original: superficially decent, but kind of meh and lacking in precise details when you start to really dig in.
    The lack of desert is my fault and not the process, well not completly anyway.
    Fractal Terrains does not generate deserts by default on its climates. You have to manually lower rainfalls and raise temperature on the parts of your world where you want a desertic climate (and then have a desert texture). I was only trying to get high res textures so I did not bother putting deserts on this world.

    If I had more variability going in, then my upscaled version would have had more .

    This is the raw map export from Fractal terrains.

    The goal of my process is not to have the AI create a world ex nihilo (AI models are bad at this because they only have reference of earth for realistic satelite view do it tends to reproduce earth) the goal is to enhence what I create.
    Last edited by Jice; 05-06-2024 at 01:03 PM.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept KaiAeon's Avatar
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    South Africa


    Please post the process. I'm particularly interested in the globe you made.
    View my website and Instagram

  5. #5
    Guild Novice Jice's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Here is a new version of the world with more diverse climates

    Quote Originally Posted by KaiAeon View Post
    Please post the process. I'm particularly interested in the globe you made.
    I will write a guide, but that might take some time.

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