This is my most recent digital piece! Took around 10 hours total. It's not quite my usual style, but I absolutely love how it turned out.

continent map cont with worldbuild finished.jpg

Cephis, the Glass Lands, is a continent of muddled divides and odd magic. Its residents are colourful and diverse, so different and yet so similar, bound together by the remnants of conflicts past.
Its northern kingdoms of Marotharl, Argenest, and the Golden Kingdom are home to deep woods and rugged coasts. The Howling Coast's inhabitants cling to its sheer cliffs, wringing their power from their struggle.
The city-states of Ellos control much of the centre of Cephis, and hold a tenuous alliance, each Duchy under threat from the ambitions of another. Further south live the partially nomadic mages of Argesseas; their neighbours, the republic of Mariene, have held strong against turmoil for centuries.
The Brocan Dynasty's emerging might threatens the western coast with freshly unearthed magic; in the east, the newly-formed Pact-Lands are so named for the pact that binds its inhabitants to the rainforests, pooling their resources to resist the encroaching Silver Dominion.
Lastly are the secluded cities of Oneglas, kingdom of the mountain. Its networks run throughout the western ranges, all connecting to a central hub, home to any and all who find comfort underground.

Please let me know what you think! :D
I have a work in progress regional map for the mountains bordering the Golden Kingdom, so I'll probably be posting that soon.. if I can find the time :|