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Thread: Asteroidal Pirate Caves - 3D experiment...

  1. #11

    Post Old West or Pirate Space - an anachronism too!

    Yeah, when I started to think about spartan crew facilities - good ole navy hammocks came to mind. I "teched" it up with the yellow metal framework and the plush and pillowed hammocks themselves - but its still reminiscent of a bygone era. I will look to see what other nostalgic or anachronistic features I can add to the complete map - just for further experimentation.

    I'm giving the station commander a state room, officers get the modular wall cells and the troops will be bunked in two parallel rows of hammock lines for 40 troops, 4 officers and the commander, for a total crew of 45 pirates. Perhaps 36 aboard the heavy armed pirate corvette, with 9 maintaining the station - maintenance personell, operations managers and infirmary physician...
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  2. #12
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Don't forget that hammocks aren't always going to be filled at the same time either. Depending on space requirements, it could be likely that hammocks are actually shared as there will always be at least one shift "on duty" whatever that might be. So you could theoretically reduce the number of hammocks to even 20 if half the pirates are always on duty.
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  3. #13


    How much gravity?

    In a near 0-G environment, hammocks aren't that useful. IIR, some of the micro-G beds used in the space program were more like sacks that you could hang off a hook to sleep in.

    And in the future, I'm sure cabin fever would be overcome by VR, or at least A/V headsets to provide a fully immersive "not stuck in space" experience...

    -Rob A>

  4. #14

    Post I understand the realities of space living...

    I understand that in reality, the pirate station, would ideally be somewhere less than 1 G, so space sickness is lessened between life between station life and extra-vehicular activity.

    However, for fantasy/sci-fi gaming 1 G is pretty common on stations and aboard ship (at least what you're used to on TV - Battlestar Galactica, Trek, Serenity, etc.)

    So I guess I'm designing a facility using normal earth gravity. Whether this is created through centrifugal spin of the asteroid, or by artificial "grav unit", I'm not sure - I think the latter.

    Is this realistic? Probably not, scientifically, but for gaming I think its the direction I'll go and gamers would expect...

    I'm not trying to create the type of beds found on the space shuttle or MIR station. That's low tech for my perceived sci-fi setting.
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  5. #15
    Guild Artisan su_liam's Avatar
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    I would probably go for something a lot more junky and primitive for a pirate base. Possibly crudely cut tunnels in some asteroid with heavily-patched pressure tents and cans scattered about, an old war-surplus Chinese air scrubber in one corner and some scanning gear jerry-rigged from equipment stolen from a freighter somewhere. A few old field pieces inexpertly lashed into inappropriate locations. It's hard to make a space pirate base appropriately primitive, but certainly it should be grimy anarchic and dark in most places. Graffiti, pornographic ads for local girls(and possibly boys) providing services trash strewn about and lots of old patches and quick and dirty weld jobs seem appropriate.

    The pictures so far seem more like the base for the Patrol boys hunting the pirates. Of course grime and disorder are about the hardest things to do in 3d art.

  6. #16

    Post You're so right!

    Su Liam - you are so right! Its just that I lack textures for rust and corroded metal. I have a few, but I'd need much more variety of that kind of texture material to skin my 3D models.

    I like the idea of the war-surplus gear to operate the covert pirate base. I'll have to give it some more thought - good suggestions!
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  7. #17
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    More rust than you can shake a stick at here... all free too.

  8. #18


    su_liam - couldn't have said it better myself.

    redrobes - fantastic resource. I'm curious--did you happen to come across it, or you do know them?

    RPMiller makes a great point about the pirates "on duty". On a fast attack submarine, where space is extremely limited and where I lived for 3.5 years, the vast majority of the crew live in a condition where they "hotrack" meaning that they share the bed (rack), because one will be up and working while the other is asleep. On ballistic missile submarines, where the space is much larger and I lived for 2.5 years, that is NOT the case--every crew member, except for the very most junior, gets his own rack.

    Ultimately, it depends on how "realistic" you want the pirate base to be, and how wealthy these pirates are. If they have had a string of successes, they might have had the time and resources to carve out huge living quarters from the body of the asteroid. If not, then less so.

    But I am definitely looking forward to seeing this develop.

  9. #19
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    More rust than you can shake a stick at here... all free too.
    REPPED! Thank you.
    Bill Stickers is innocent! It isn't Bill's fault that he was hanging out in the wrong place.

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  10. #20
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Cartographist View Post
    did you happen to come across it, or you do know them?
    They have been around for ages. I had them bookmarked on my list but I have lost that with a OS reinstall but if you google for texture then they are near the top now. I have some similar photos I could give them but I think that all their stuff is self taken to avoid any copyright issues. I take a texture now and again as its not my day job but if I used them a lot id buy that DVD. What I like about the Mayang is that they give access to the high res versions. This is why id consider buying the disk - I know id be getting the res. Even if the texture I need is low res you need to work in high res and drop down.

    I have used the marble (green, light brown and now the black and white) in my Jan challenge entry. I made them into seamless textures and then put them into my texture compositor before using the single final output texture as the drape in the 3D package.

    The sort of textures id like to get access to even for fee, is top down aerial photos from low altitude so that you get mapping trees and stuff like that. I reckon a balloonist might be able to do it but aircraft are too high. I'm always leaning over tall buildings and bridges with a camera pointing down.

    Also, if anyone knows somebody who has or visits bonsai shows that have small scale trees that look like their larger versions then id be interested in some photos of them from the top down.

    I know there are places like the Dundjinni forums, RPG Map Share and other mapping places as well as my icon download areas but generally most other peoples icons are so very low res. If you know of ones that hold the original photo then that would be much better. Maybe this guild should start a repository of public domain images for mapping bits / textures.

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