Okay here are the easter eggs for anyone who wanted to find all of them. Don't read if you want to find them yourself.

Main picture
- Ascension's (CL) symbol is on the shield in the centre right.
- Arcana's (Admin) compass is on the stone tablet under the balcony.

Top left letter
- Gidde's (CL) avatar is in the bottom right.
- Leon D is an anagram for LoneD (member), part of my user name.

Bottom Left Letter
- Ravell's (CL) symbol is in the top left and his name is on the company name.
- 10 Sapient Lane can be changed to Sapiento (Award Winner).
- Gerald N. Steele is an anagram for Steel General (CL), just remove the D.
- Naut 1981 is Juggernaut1981 (Member) from friend's list.

Top Right Letter
- The Mask of Cartog is basically a redo of Tilt's (CL) avatar.
- The suit of armour was drawn by Moutarde (January's Award Winner), his name also appears in the article.

Bottom Right Letter
- Diamond Standard is Diamond (Award Winner)
- Gamern Printing is Gamerprinter (PA)
- Samual Ramah is obviously just Ramah (Award Winner)

I've also reference some of my previous works in the pic but they are not worth mentioning. Hope soe of you had fun egg hunting.
