Hi. I used your tutorial earlier this week and I loved it, I'm hoping in the future to use it to build a world for my pathfinder campaign (I may alter the gradients a little to fit my own color palette tastes). I had a question however, I'm fairly experienced in gimp so i found the gimp tutorial fun and easy enough to follow but the Wilbur side of things I had some issues. I had a handful of lakes (morel like Large seas I would suppose) inside my continents and when I went to use the "Fill basins" tool it ended up filling in these sections as well, which I did not like.

As a forced solution I simply made sure the lakes were not selected when applying fill basins, but was wondering what i could do to avoid this in the future (if anything?). I'm at work at the moment and had some spare time to post but that also means i don't have my map to show off.

Thanks for your awesome tutorial and time spent reading this response!