Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
... love GH I've a Suel Cleric named FIST of KORD that you would just love to meet

Love the setup you have for the ruins... Incabulos is one of my favorite cult-ish gods... pestilence and disease always strike fear into PC's ... especially at the lower levels...
I was going to use the Cult of the Hopping Prophet (Wastri) but I decided I wanted to go with the pestilence route and decided on Incabulos instead. I like to set up my campaigns with several NPC factions and then drop the PCs into the middle of the mix and see how things turn out.

In this case, I have the 'Plague of the Blackhand' Incabulos Cult, Humanoid/Human Bandits (sponsored by several Noble families from the Hold of the Sea Princes - these bandits are basically slavers raiding Keoland), and any other ideas that come to me as I flesh out the campaign (I still have a lot of work to do on the local geography of the campaign). I also have to finish writing up the adventure before my (face-to-face) game tomorrow night.