Ah, I understand now. So the edge length of the grid is about 15 days of sea travel, or 3000km. Dude, that's huge! So the map is a full world map, and the planet is about 20% bigger than earth (equatorial circumference, 48000km). Was that your intention?

Some other questions:
- can you give us some pointers to the intended climate zones? For example, what are the "Golden Plains" comparable to?
- do the different colours of the land masses reflect elevation or vegetation?
- how massive are the mountain ranges supposed to be?

I suppose, if I end up using it, I'd cut down the scale to ~1000km edge length, so it wouldn't be a full world map. So climate-wise, Yoria would roughly correspond to Scandinavia, and Madenska to central Europe and the Mediterranean.

As for shipping a printout, I may be interested, if the shipping cost to Europe doesn't get too crazy. Well, we'll see, we'd have to discuss the details, no hurry though. =)