Well as you know from my thread, I used Fractal Terrains just to get the shapes of my land masses. At first I wanted to get the whole map done in FT, which the height-map and all, but I'm terrible at making the program do what I want, I don't have the patience or the confidence to pull it off, specially since FT made continents too thin mostly always and the mountain ranges also mostly always in the center of the continents, which is a known issue, then there was the rivers being broken or the bug with the straight lines coming of the rivers. Plus it seems it's hard to get deserts too, and it doesn't have in mind tectonics, which was a must for me.

So I love Fractal Terrains and the potential it has, but I can't get too much into, I don't have the patience to get around all those little things. I did want it to be my all-in-one solution and work shapes, altitude and terrain there, but I didn't get too far, totally my fault. Still it gave me my precious land shapes and I have a lot of fun messing up with the generator, so just for that it was worth it.