Quote Originally Posted by jkat718 View Post
Not one project in particular, although I suppose it would be useful for this.
Yes, they defiantly used too many symbols for each biome.

On another topic, I was wondering what the others are thinking about making the central continent (the one almost all covered by the tropical rain forest) to be sort of a lost continent. I'm not sure if it's the best word for my idea.

The continent was separated form the other landmasses a long time ago. We can suppose that he managed to remain close to the equator and was able to minimize climatic variation over a long period. Thus, it has a unique and probably very ancient fauna/flora. But not necessarily dinosaurs. It might have a small local population hunter gatherer but most of the continent is not habitable for foreigners. It's much different from elsewhere and the diseases are killing them. Because of that, it is unsettled just like European could not settle in Africa before the Victorian era. Except for some places like South Africa.