I think we should just work away at it regardless of how many active participants at the time. They will join and leave as it suits them. if they weren't here or didn't participate in the initial set up, tough cookies. Also I agree with Ghostman to an extent, which is why I just wanted to get this map done enough so we could just divide it into plots and get moving. It simply is not going to be a super focused project such as those done for a specific purpose. Quite frankly I think the variety we will get without working top down will simply not compare with the immense diversity and variety of everything we get on Earth. A fantasy world in which the variables are even greater then those of realities would undoubtedly be even more diverse. That is why I'm not to concerned with getting all our pegs in order before we start. Merely to get enough data that people can make reasonable assertions of what belongs where.

As for the map it was uploaded in PNG, which I thought would be adequate for the purposes of just working on a B/W mask, I have it in the GIMP format or whatever else Gimp exports as well. I would be editing it tonight but I went swimming and my eyes are messed up. I need to start wearing goggles. I should have more time later this week though.