I'm just trowing some ideas here partly to improve the current template for countries.

First part:

Name : I don't know yet, possibly something similar to Turkish.
Attachment 69122

Moto :
Other name:
Land Area: 1 300 000 km2
Population: 2 000 000

Politic: oligarchy or magocracy, I'm not sure yet
Current ruler:

Technological level : a bit behind
Economy : high/rich
Importation: livestock (camels), food?
Exportation: precious metals, magic items

Other ideas :
Traits :
military orientation : militaristic, peaceful, neutrality
economic orientation: Free trade, protectionism, self-sufficiency, interventionism, state capitalism, mercantilism, free market
Religious orientation: intolerant, state religion, tolerant, secular…
Social traits: xenophobic, conservative, liberal, multiculturalism
Foreign policy: imperialism, non interventionism, hermit…

second part:

Geographic features:
Most of the country is made of a cold dry steppe. Covering a large area, it is surrounded in the west, north and east by high mountains. Most of the cities are located near the few rivers scattered on the plains.
Climate: On the plains, the climate is a cold steppe for the most part (BSh), except for the southern part where the climate become Mediterranean. In the mountains, the climates become very cold and the population is limited to some valleys.
Political subdivision :
Travel/communication: trails in the steppes and boats

Cultures: languages, religions, social classes, customs
Locations: cities, temple…

Folklore and legend
Actualities/adventure hook, (Rumor and intrigue)

Economy: The country is a major producer of a resource called by some the Star metal or Celestial matter by others. It is dispersed everywhere in the world. Other places are producing this resource as well but here, the deposits are much denser. The resource need to be processed and refined and then melted in order to produce a metal-like substance. It is used to enhance magical items that are sold for a good price in other countries. The magic use can tap into the energy reserve of the Star metal to increase the efficiency of it's magic, thus depleting the metal in the long run. However, using the metal's power is not without risk. Many users had troubling visions, discomfort, loss of consciousness and even seizure when using these items.

Politics: Government, Important organizations, Important characters, Foreign relations
Law : concerning magic, slavery…

other templates:

what else ???