So I'm working on a planetary atlas...

the thing is, I want to put latitude & longitude markers (on a separate layer in Illustrator) where the 'north pole' is placed at the top of the map approximately a quarter of the way in from the top left corner of the image, and the 'south pole' in a similar position around the bottom right of the image. This would cause the equator to be placed on an angle to the map image itself, but I'll be buggered if I can even find (okay, after a merely cursory search) an image online with a similar graphic. Any smarty-pantses out there that can 1: figure out what I'm on about and 2: give me an idea on how to achieve this? I'd like to do it in Illustrator, but I'm not averse to the concept of using (free) alternate software...
If I can find an image online to use as an example, I'll edit the post to include it.
