Well these two pieces are hand drawn on an A4 paper, started with pencil and inked later (while some things were after filled with the pencil).

This first one is Moonfall, located in the Valley of the First Moon (where after ages of snow and clouded lands the Aruvienni reached a valley where the Moon was visible and formed a city-kingdom there etc.) Wanted at first the name Moonshine, but that seemed weird. Thought about Moonbeam but that wasn't that good either so I chose Moonfall (anyone with ideas please share)

The second city is Nomisil, after the men came from the North, elves moved further south and formed many River Kingdoms, this one is quite massive stretching on three larger islands on the sides and many smaller ones in between. It is the de facto capital of the River Kingdoms (which is something between a federation and confederation) and by far the largest. Also I still haven't finished up with houses on the right.

Sorry for the bad pictures, it was taken with a phone camera...