Sorry about the late reply, thanks for all the kind words. As for the wall effect, currently I'm working trying it with a custom made pattern that is applied as a seperate layer (like with the forests in those zombienirvana map tutorials). It seems to be sorta working, just needs a little more refinement. I shall post any results I am happy with.

Bennty: To get where I am now (and I was a TOTAL photoshop n00b), I simply followed the zombienirvana tutorials on youtube, as well as just browse the internet for random, totally map unrelated tutorials just so I could get to grips with photoshop. I'll post the ones I started with: <-- the first zombie nirvana one, follow the whole series, it's really useful. <-- I did this (though I used a picture of someone special). I also used a few other tutorials on this site just for practice. <-- this shows you how to build planets. It's not really a tutorial, but once you know all the photoshop basics, you can see what's going on and easily reproduce it, so well worth it.

Then I went around searching for various tutorials. And then I started following some on this site. It's all about trying totally new things I think. If the tutorials are done well enough, and usually even if they aren't, you'll still learn something new about the program.

Basically, just dive right in at the deep end. You'll always pick up something.