I'm still a bit confused about how an actual listing would look/work, here on the forums. (I've only sold through RPGNow before, so I'm not at all familiar with this particular format for sales... ) I've been trying to do a Google search, to see examples on other sites, but all the links I'm coming up with are either dead, or they're just a couple sentences about the product, with no links or a "buy" button, etc. (I guess those are expired?)

Robbie, would you (or one of the other Admin/Mods) maybe consider posting a "fake" listing for us, please? Just so anyone (like me) who's clueless about this can get a better idea of what it would look like (just temporarily, until someone actually takes the plunge with a real listing)?

I'm just wondering about things like:
Is the listing actually posted (with pictures, info, buy button, etc.) on the Panjo website, and when we make a post here it's just a short description with link that directs the buyer to that listing?
Or, is our post here the actual listing, where we can attach promotional images, information, etc. (formatted how we want it to look - just like a normal post at the Guild), and then there's a link or buy button embedded in the post for the buyer to click and be sent directly to the payment process?