You know, Robbie, I just recently joined the Dundjinni forum, and they have an anti - spam protection that, while may be a bit annoying, I bet would be extremely effective. Although admittedly it would make more word for the CL's, unless you created maybe a greeter position just for this purpose....

When I joined the forum, I, of course, went through the registration program, and joined the forum. I was directed immediately to a thread just for newbies, where I had to submit an email to one of the moderators. I emailed Bogie, of course, because I knew him.... and I was able to post within an hour or two. It was explained in the thread, that this extra measure had to be taken to minimize spamming.

It is one extra step, and it was a bit annoying to have to wait for an acceptance from a mod.... but those that truly want to be a part of this communitiy, would appreciate the extra step to keep this place spam free, and the spammers? They aren't going to want to jump through extra hoops just to spam.

It's a thought, anyway