Our five posts rule isn't so much to incentivize people to post. It's more 'prove you're not a spammer and have benign intentions'. It used to be that new members could post in the forums right away, but the spam levels were getting to be beyond a joke and something had to be done. Excessive spam kills forums, so the five posts moderation rule was put in place.

I know it's frustrating when you want to dive right in, but you can't cos you're waiting on someone approving you. However, we feel that forum spam sucks more, and for most people, the approval process is a minor inconvenience that they move beyond within their first few days (or hours) of membership.

You've got six comments now, so as soon as the server runs its script to update memberships, you'll have all privileges. It might take up to an hour (though likely less) and then you can do and see what you want.