Hey Chaps, thanks for all the positive feedback!

I've had to lay off the map making for a while as rl has got rather busy, but I'll be back into it shortly, and with a new idea to try thanks to your suggestion, Alain.

Arcana, let us know how your Adventures in Tablet go. When I get mine we can comapre notes (FANTASTIC site by the way, cheers!).

Ravells, would you recommend the A4 Inutous then? That was the one I was thinking of going for.

RPMiller, would you expand a little on what you meant by clean mixed with natural? Please be specific about what doesn't gel for you - these are very much works in progress (both the style and using the programs) and I'm always interested in other opinions. Ta!

Talamar, thanks for the kudos! I'm more than happy to share the parchment file. How am I best to do that? Is there a particular way you'd prefer larger files to be stored on the site, Arcana?

