Hey Falconius!

Thanks for the feedback. I have checked the plates on a sphere mesh in Photoshop and things all match up and look workable.

I agree about the rotation factor and, actually, on a globe you would kind of see that the Sycobian Plate is kind of just spinning there at the top of the world (I imagine the spin coming from two convection currents towards the edges of the plates powering the counterclockwise spin.

For the Chalderan Plate I hadn't really though about spin. I was more considering the fact that the plate is being forced upward into a massive plateau as the Lorician Plate bulldozes it into the Taoshanic Plate.

Regarding the land/sea ratio, i am cognizant that Aerlaan has about a 50/50 split. This should certainly make things interesting when we get to see how the climate shakes out. I'm fine with whatever is revealed and if Aerlaan decides that she is mostly a desert world then so be it! I LOVE deserts (old school Frank Herbert DUNE fan here! )

So long as there are enough verdant areas to support life/culture/civilization then all is good.