Its going to change again in a mo when I put up the next couple of changes. But let me answer IG.

I take all the bits posted and I have to make up a mask for them but that is relatively easy this time around compared to guildworld etc where I needed to get the borders spot on in order for them to fit. This time its merely taking the tile and masking in the rock bit and matting out the sorround. No real problem.

For each image I make up an icon and put it into my viewingdale app. It has a grid which I have set to 5' and there is snap to grid option so the icons are all snapping into place great. Its dead easy to work with. I can rotate them to any angle but generally 90 degrees this time. And I can flip any icon in X or Y if need be too.

So I build up that mosaic of bits which is all in a kind of vector placement format and if people have been submitting at 2000 pixel scale then I have the icons at full res.

Once I am happy I export the map and I can do that at any res and it will preserve the original. So I export at 4K for the image above. Then I load up the guild in a browser and upload the image. Straight forward, really quick no problem.

When we get to the zoomy map I have to export the image at 16K and then push the image through my app which chops it up into 6000 images. I zip them all and upload that zip to the guild server and then have to unpack the zip in the right place. Theres some leaflet.js javascript files but they only have to be done once. Then you can go on the page and zoom around on the big map. So its ok to do but a lot more effort than the single image.

On the zoomy map there is level of detail zoom factors. So I think we have 6 levels of zoom. For each level I can put up some links to stuff. So I can have it like Guild City where if you zoom into the parts of the city it links back to the finished map thread for it. I can link to anything so its possible to link to an image or a thread on the forum or that thread can be another zoomy map so see the zoomy map for cwbp1 and it goes through Ansium to your old map. If you went to my Fen land area then it links down a few more levels too.

So yeah I could have some links to finished bits of map or to upper / lower levels of the mapped bit. But again its a bit more effort maintaining the links correctly. I am collecting up the bits in my other thread and numbering them 001 through like 009C or whatever. So I might label the map with small text bits so you know where they come from then you can go to the bits list and click through to the post. Thats a lot cleaner than the zoomy links on the map. I think the links ought to be for upper and lower levels to some place on it.

No zoomy map quite yet. I havent really firmed up where a lot of the pieces are going.