I have to say that I'm terribly impressed at the warp speed at which this project has taken off. It is truly amazing. I think Red is going to need a bigger canvas before it's all said and done!

Is there a zoomy map available yet, or is it just this one for now? I'm not sure how the zoomy map works exactly, but I'm gonna ask this anyway: Is there a way to link, from the map, each individual piece back to its original image? That way when someone is looking at the map and they decide that a particular tiles works well for them, they can just click on it to get the map, rather than having to track it back another way? I'll admit I'm kind of lost right now, so that might be exactly what you're already doing... or you might have something better in mind. Either way, I just wanted to ask.

Thanks again for getting this going! It's freaking amazing!