Hi, I'm Ifrix

So, mapmaking (and art in general) has very much been an on/off thing for me. I'll get sudden bursts of inspiration and do something arty, start it and then look back 7 months later thinking "I should finish this but on the other hand that idea I just had...". Maps in general, I've made 7 in total (over the course of more years and working on a new one atm) - and 3 of those have been in the last few months.

So way back in the misty years of high school a few friends heard of this "D&D" thing (3.5e ). We played a campaign and I thought about DMing one myself, resulting in the creation of this map. Which, well... yeah. I mean at the time I probably thought it was good XD
Fastforwarding, friends came and went and roll on university. Joined another D&D group with friends I still know and play with to this day. The campaign was very infrequent and there was little chance of running my own but I did some planning anyway, mainly just for the worldbuilding. The main premise of this world was a huge unnatural jungle slowly taking over the continent. Looking back on it I can't actually remember how I made those coastlines...
A year later I had a better idea for a campaign (I did study occasionally - honest XD) of a broken world, mostly inspired by the archipelagos of Le Guin's Earthsea. However this one was shattered by the rage of a vengeful dragon god. I started making maps of individual islands in more detail too, but only got that one done.
Forward again 1, maybe 2 years(?) with a few online friends, we had a vastly overambitious minecraft project that I ended up making a map for. This time instead of just using cartography brushes I tried following a few tutorials I had found. Neither the map or project actually ended up getting finished however.
Fastforward one last time to late December 2017 when I decided to load up photoshop again and have a go at drawing another map - this time of my house and the surrounding fields. I posted it on a discord channel, prompting me to most more of my maps there.
Then I got a PM - one of the guys wanted a map for his D&D campaign and was willing to pay for it! He sent over a rough and I worked off that. It took a little longer than I would have liked as I was stiill learning a lot of things along the way but he was happy with the finished map (I don't like how compressed it looks in imgur though)
Beyond that I've started working on another map for a friend but I also did a very quick style test that I might use for a prehistoric rpg I plan to run...

That ended up a little wordy so TL;DR I'm Ifrix - I make maps sometimes