Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
That's because CC3 and CC3+ are two different programs.
Everyone certainly is welcome to his or her own opinions on this point.

However, for someone new, where this thread started, it's probably a good idea to know which updates are free and which cost you money. Don't let people confuse you on this point, if it's important to you.

ProFantasy's program named Campaign Cartographer has gone through many versions, starting with CC for DOS and continuing with CC2, CC2 Pro, CC3 and now CC3+. These all are versions of a program called Campaign Cartographer. Each time a new version was released, ProFantasy offered licensees of the previous version an update (in their own words) to the new version at a reduced price, which pretty much is standard software business and more a reason for praise rather than complaint, just to make clear that I intend no complaint or anything else negative here.

ProFantasy has said that there will be a CC4. If ProFantasy does business like it has in the past, it no doubt will offer licensees an ability to update (ProFantasy's own description) from CC3+ and perhaps even CC3 to CC4 at a reduced rate. You might want to call this a big update or a version update, but it might be important to understand that it costs something. It is not free.

However, in terms of customer service, ProFantasy also offers version updates, and to date these have cost nothing at all. CC3 was updated 11 times, and each of these 11 updates cost registered users nothing. The current version of Campaign Cartographer, CC3+ has been updated 16 times already, and these updates cost nothing, but they are updates of a specific version, not updates to a newer version.

A potential buyer also should know that ProFantasy goes above and beyond your average level of update service. When the CC3+ version of Campaign Cartographer was released, ProFantasy revised almost all of its CC3 add-ins to make them compatible with CC3+, and registered users could and can download the compatibility updates free of charge. ProFantasy deserves some kudos for that. I know of many software purveyors who would charge a few pennies for that service.