Like Aeshnidae, I'm surprised English to German has this problem! And as both you and Azélor have said, when creating fictional place names in your own native languages they often sound odd. I'm really curious as to why this might be. But I'm in a difficult position to assess it myself. I also suffer form Anlgo-American privilege and I'm not a native Irish speaker.
It depends and it's complicated.
As Neyasha, simply translating names does not always work well. Names can create a certain feeling , use the wrong synonym and you can ruin that.

There is also the fact that (take ASOIAF for example) when you get used to English names and English voices of the actors, the French version sounds somewhat silly. Your used to hear King's Landing, now it's Port Réal or something ?

Up until quite recently, I had no idea that Ottawa and Outaouais was actually the same name. We use both in French but Anglo only use the first.