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Thread: Hello

  1. #1
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Default Hello

    Hello all,

    My name is Lilly. I am writing a book and am sick of being confused by whether something was on the right or left. Or where did I put that bush? So I've decided to make some maps.

    I'm going to be reading a lot in the next few days, so I figured I'd join now.

    Thanks for having me!

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Hi Lilly! Welcome!

    My name is Omri. I also wrote a book and then when I started making my very average first maps for it, I decided to come here and well I have been here ever since. This is such a friendly community, so don't be afraid to ask something.
    If you want to post your Work in Progress maps somewhere to get feedback and advice, be sure to post it in of the WIP threads. Here.

    Also, I would advise that you post 5 times to get past that whole process to post things. It really gets MUCH easier to post after number 5. (Just randomly comment on other peoples' projects for those purposes.)

    Maps for books are so helpful! Hope to see your work in progress maps soon.

    Have a lovely day.

    ~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~

    My web novels
    Instagram handle:
    ~The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
    Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
    ~ Psalm 19

  3. #3
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    Jul 2018


    Quote Originally Posted by XCali View Post
    Hi Lilly! Welcome!
    I have no idea how to reply without doing a quote thing! Thanks for the welcome

    Thanks for the advice about the posts, I must say I've been a bit shy. I've given myself the goal of trying as many different styles that I can so that I can figure out which is mine.

    I've done one so far but it's not complete so yeah, I prob should stick it up in the WIP thread.

    Thanks again, and I hope to see you around

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Nov 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by L.KC View Post
    I have no idea how to reply without doing a quote thing! Thanks for the welcome

    Thanks for the advice about the posts, I must say I've been a bit shy. I've given myself the goal of trying as many different styles that I can so that I can figure out which is mine.

    I've done one so far but it's not complete so yeah, I prob should stick it up in the WIP thread.

    Thanks again, and I hope to see you around
    That is a very good idea! Trying different styles is a great way to get to know which of them come more naturally. I am eager to see your first map.

    P.s. The reply button is right next to the reply with quotes button. If I understand your problem correctly.

    See you around

    ~ Maps-DriveThruRPG ~Free Maps and Assets ~Current Project~

    My web novels
    Instagram handle:
    ~The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
    Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they reveal knowledge.
    ~ Psalm 19

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