By DanielHasenbos
Amazing work on this Ilanthar. There's something about this that makes it look like it's an actual, existing building, which means you've done a great job! And it was fun exploring the floors and seeing how everything is connected. Job well done
Thanks a lot, Daniel !

By Kellerica
Damn, slow down, man! None of us can keep up with the rep at this speed Another great piece, you're on a roll!
Not really. Remember that I made this 6 month ago... so I was in a roll, maybe .
And thanks a lot !

By ThomasR
Your design is highly organic and believeable and the art is, as always, top shelf stuff ! Bravo Julien
Merci Thomas ! I'm sure I will do more building plans for Domhantyr. But I have to finish the new general map first .