Hi! Sorry I couldn't find the thread from my computer, i'm not really used to forums!

I Maybe forgot to say, while I used a single layer of light, i used several strokes.
You don't have to replicate my style we all find our way to execute something, and I think you are doing great. Of course a single stroke of brush won't give the same effect,
The first think i made was to create a lightup on all the area, with a really soft stroke, and i pressured with the reduced sized brush to make the smaller light areas and make them more strong!

Of course it is something you can apply with texture, if you assign the pattern to the layer, and you have different lighted patterns you can overlap them at best.

Actually i think you made a whole world in a single dungeon and this is scary and also really challenging, i like it!

If you want to smooth the brush strokes you can use a rubber/the thing to delete lol, with 40% trasparency and a soft radius.

IMO (in my opinion) the best way is to skill the pressure and work on different radius, trasparencies and sizes with a single brush and maybe assign textures to them later, with blending modes. IDK there is a whole world to explore with textures

The last WIP looks really dynamic and various!