@redrobes - that's fairly true, when in flight, the crow and the raven do look very similar, since they are from the same family. The main thing I'm looking for, is a 2d representation. I actually don't want it to look 'real', because this is something that's supposed to be sewn onto a tabard, or painted on a shield. What I really need is one that is either flying toward the viewer, or perhaps across the viewer's field of vision.

The other idea I had, if I can't find an image I can use of a raven grabbing a dagger in it's claws, is to have two daggers crossed below the raven, or two swords crossed behind the raven.

@rdanhenry - cc3+ symbols are all .png format. And all of them are on a white background that disappears when you place the symbol on the map. Oh, and I looked at raven clip art. I even downloaded quite a few that I thought might work. I then turned them into .png's so that I could use them as symbols. And ran into a major problem with every single one of them - their white backgrounds. Normally, when an image is turned into a .png on a white background, then used as a symbol, the white background disappears. But not with those images. Each and every one of them that I downloaded, retained their white background, so that when I placed them on my 'map', I would see a box of white around the symbol, and that just won't work. I appreciate the thoughts though!