An A3 Map of a Historic Church, with Presbytery Roof and Graveyard. The Church Is Inspired By My Place Of Worship "Our Lady Help of Christians & St Denis" Roman Catholic Parish in St Marychurch, Torquay, South Devon, United Kingdom. The Plan Shows, 4 Altars, 4 Reredos Features, a Carpet leading up the Aisle and Around the Main Altar, a Staircase to the Spire, Entrances and Exits are Shown with a Black Rectangle, Stained Glass Windows are Indicated with a Cross (X), Pews, a Wooden Floor Surrounding the Pews, the Pulpit, the Font, a Lady Chapel at the Top of the Map, Tombstones in the Graveyard and Steps Leading from the Entrances and Exits. Paving Stone Footpaths Surround the Church. It is up to the DM/GM to Furnish the Map with Traps and Treasures and NPC's (Non-Player Characters). At the Rear of the Church are Tables, Religious Statues, a Large Cross and Candles. Church Pillars Run Parallel to the Central Aisle. #cartography #cartographer #cartographic #map #maps #art #artist #illustration #illustrator #technicaldrawing #design #church #churches #romancatholic #rpg #dnd #dnd5e #gurps #pathfinder #dungeonfantasyrpg #a3 #a3scanner #a3paper #a3squaredpaper #workinprogress #stevejacksongames #justinknightcartography

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