Hey Justin,

My feeling about the map you show here (and that kind of goes with the previous ones, sorry for not having commented then) is that it's, maybe not cluttered, but heavy on the eye.

First, a lighter color could help lighten the mood a bit. Also, you have several options with the color : either color everything (if you color the water, why not the boardwalk, cobblestones and crates ?) or nothing (you have very easy and efficient ways to say "water").

Second, you have very strong textures and I think you could achieve what you want with a little less strokes. Some artists (and I think they're right) say "less is more" and, while I'm not very good at it, I think it's a sound philosophy when it comes to our medium. Hint the stonework on the ground without drawing every stone for instance

Third and last, lose the regularity a bit. Your boardwalk planks could be a bit askew (a few of them) but most of all, those crates are definitely too well arranged for my taste. Some disorder bring life to a map.

These are my two cents and, like XCali, I'd suggest you post a where you explain your intent and ask precise questions, you'll get better feedback that way.

Keep at it, your motivation is showing.

Cheers !

EDIT : Also, I'm not sure having the tags directly in your text works on the forum (it works on Twitter or Instagram but there's a dedicated space for those when you post, below the text box if I remember well)