It's THAT time again. Time for the return of everyone's favourite: the random generator challenge!

This challenge is Diamond's baby, but he's been pretty busy lately, so sadly we'll have to run it without him this time. It's the same rules as before, which I'm going to blatantly copy from an earlier post of his...

What you're going to do is visit this generator:

Leave the settings just like they are, and generate a list of 10 locations. First results shown don't have to count, since you automatically generate a list just clicking the link.

Now here's the challenge: you can only pick one location from that list, and you can only generate ONE list (besides the one that's made clicking the link). Obviously this is unenforceable, so we'll rely on the spirit of chivalrous competition here to keep everyone honest.

Other than that small requirement, it's all yours. Interpret your selection however you want, map it however you want - the voters, in their wisdom, will decide the winner. You can map as much or as little as you want, but your map must contain AT MINIMUM the prompt you chose. If my topic is "A mysterious bridge in an Elven city", I'd have to map at least the bridge, but could also choose to map the entire city around it. An exception is that if you choose one of the Plane/World selections, you don't have to map the entire thing; you can just do a representative part of it, like a regional map.

As always, the two BIG things to remember are:

1. Title your thread: August 2019 Challenge: < your title would go here >
2. Always remember to put this tag in front of your work-in-progress pics: ### Latest WIP ###
Number two is especially important - if the image scraper can't find your map because you didn't include that tag, no one will be able to see it when voting time comes around.

This contest will end around Sat 31st Aug, UK time (may be morning of Sun 1st Sept - I'll update a few days before the end). The winner will receive a prized Golden Compass and a hearty round of applause from everyone at the Guild.

Let's see what you can come up with this year!