I've been lurking around here for a while, but I recently embarked on a personal project using the climate tutorials by Pixie and Azélor, and figured I might as well finally make an actual account so I can post some things on here!
I'm big into worldbuilding, and most of my maps are hand drawn - still very much getting the hang of using gimp.

When I'm not worldbuilding, I primarily do game design - and I'm applying to grad schools soon for the same. I have a particular fascination with mishmashing elements of human cultures together from wildly different places and seeing the results (but still trying to make it seem somewhat realistic). I run RPG games with a fantasy bent, so I think some elements of that show through in my maps as well.

Thank you all for the many little mapping things I've learned by lurking for the past few months, and I can't wait to get to obsess over your work!

Hoping you have a lovely day.