I normally stick to making Fictional Metro Systems, but I want to try creating a Sci-Fi map. So, here's the story:

One of my favourite movies is the 2014 Nolan Film, 'Interstellar'. It's a very complex movie, but in a nutshell it's about in the near future, Humanity has to find a new planet to call home, after the Earth starts dying. It's a great film, highly recommend, but it doesn't actually show what would happen during or after Humanity moves to this new planet. What I want to know is first of all, how the world got into the state it did in the movie, and second of all, how they managed to move hundreds of millions of people across Space, and third of all, what that new civilisation could be.

So, first, let's look at the Movie's Lore. In Interstellar, it is implied that there was a Third World War sometime in the 2030s. The details of which are vague. The only thing we know is that it was between the People's Republic of China, the Republic of India and the United States of America. The fighting was mainly over farmland, as crops were dying due to a disease spreading in plants. This war lasted for 20 years, and ends probably sometime in the early 2050s, when the Militaries of Earth decide to collapse the Armies. By this time, Earth's Natural Resources have been almost completely used up, hundreds of millions are dead and Corn is the only remaining farmable plant. Another thing, because of the lack of Agriculture, Earth is running out of oxegen.

Gloomy, I know.

My first map with this concept will be depicting the fronts of the Third World War, showing territorial gains by India, China and the USA. Of course, since there's little information about this war, this will be almost entirely from my imagination. What I'm planning is for China to ally with Russia, and invade South-Eastern Asia and make an invasion into Bangladesh and India. India will try to counter-attack this. Russia will invade Central Asia and will have a joint occupation of Mongolia. They will also attack India with help from Pakistan. I'm assuming by the time this war happens, denuclearisation will had happened, and there would be little to no nuclear bombs left. The USA will probably make landings in Siberia and Japan, and invade from the east. That's how I'm planning the war to go.

Next, I want to do a map of the Solar System the new planet would be in. This System in the movie centers around a Black Hole, nicknamed 'Gargantua'.
Now, in order of how far away the planet is from Gargantua, here are the planets:
The planets are named after the people that found them, except for Planet Romilly, which was found by Dr Mann, but due to Mann trying to kill a member of the Endurance Mission, it was named after Dr Romilly.
The planet that Humanity rebuilds on is Edmund.

Now, here's how I think Humanity moves. In the year 2153, the US Government, Indian Government and Chinese Government work together to build massive spaceships, using almost all of Humanity's Manpower. Each Ship contains around 12,000 Humans, and there are around about three of these spaceships. That's 36,000 Humans. It takes 3 years to get to Edmund. The first colonies are set up in 2156, and multiple missions return to Earth to continue gathering Humans, 36,000 at a time. These return missions go on for a century until around 2250, when most of the Human Population is living on Edmund. By this time, Earth's Oxegen levels are so low that Humans cannot survive. That is how Humanity moves in my eyes.

The next map will display the colonies on Edmund. The three colonies will be the Indian Colony, the Chinese Colony and the American Colony. This map will also display a fantasy map of what Edmund could look like. As well as this, I might do a terrain map of Edmund.

The final map will be set in the 2350s. Humanity is building cities and developing technology. But, I think a massive war would happen between the colonies. Maybe it'd be called The Galaxy War. Colonies would fight over the other planets in the galaxy, and also territory on Edmund. That'd be interesting to see.

This Map Series would be extremely long, going from the 2030s to the 2350s or beyond. However, I think I'll do it. Right now, I'm on holiday in South Africa, so I can't make a map right here and now, but I'm going back to Canada in 10 days, so I'll make this then, starting with the WWIII Map.