Well hello there! It's an honor and very nice to meet everyone here. I've been a lurker without an account for a while now and it didn't make much sense to stay that way so here I am.
There is a ton of awesome work here and I am looking forward to seeing more and with any luck be adding some of my own.

I have very little experience with making maps although I would like to learn more. Basic hand sketches and copy/pastes in Photoshop that never get finished are my highest works.
I've been throwing around the idea of making a custom world for tabletop RPGs for many years now and a muse must have whispered in my ear the other night while I lay sleeping because I've got the itch.

Slight background about me. Quick flashback to a "better" time: 37/M/ID <---- If you remember that then I am in good company. Unless I am too disconnected and it's still being used. I haven't seen it in years though.
I currently work as a graphics designer for my local Pepsi distributor. So basically I get to play with the Adobe CC setup for free and get paid for it. Not much, but still. And I am writing this from there now so that's cool too.

I welcome any questions and any topics. Nothing is too taboo for me to talk about at least a little bit. DMs are welcome too.
I hope to get to know some of you more as time goes by. I'm just gonna poke around some more for a while now. Catch y'all on the flipside.
