Heres the deal, I am a Dungeon Master who loves running games for his players and trying to provide the best game possible, but I suck at making maps. I can make dungeons and cave systems but I just can't make 'em pretty. Free online maps are cool but there is just something so awesome about a map tailored specifically to your game. I have several pretty long term campaigns, so if I like whatcha got I will most likley be hitting you up again and again. I have source materials and will be providing what I have and descriptions. Let me know your prices, and give me a sneak peak of your previous work and lets talk. (I am not asking for free work, I just want to get a frame work of your skillz). There is no deadline at the moment. I would like reproduction rights (I think thats the right one, I wanna be able to use it if I ever run the game and maybe print it if I run a game in person. But never for profit, I also don't care if you sell it)

So you have some rough idea of what the first few maps would be:

A jungle camp

An abandoned village

A barge drifting down the river

An old mine and cavern system

(These would be square grid maps)

Shoot me a message if you are interested.