Quote Originally Posted by Yrda View Post
At first I didn't know that when I was giving rep to someone, it was worth nothing at first.
It's just that it would focus more on the work than on the person, at least to me. Who is using the whole rating system anyway? The "+" or "-" system works on platforms like reddit, I guess (although I don't really use that). Like "+" this is helpful or great, "-" for "that might be a troll".
And if a "-" isn't wanted at all, just a simple "+" (counting as 1 for everyone) might do?
Yes, to me it also felt as if my rep got up "a little" quickly, at least visually, not telling anything about my time or amount of activity here.
The forum software has many limitations but there are a number of options about what we could do about it. So all of these opinions and good for discussion. Certainly I don't like the initial thing where you have to have 30 rep yourself before your rep you dish out counts to others. I think its there so you cant open up 10 new forum accounts and dish out rep from each of them but in all fairness we have the initial 5 post anti spam measures now. I don't like the initial 30 rep start either.

If you think that having everyone on +1 no matter is best then ill make sure that is an option in the future poll about whats to be done about it.

We do currently have the option of giving -ve rep. I think its half of what your +ve rep would have been but not many people give -ve rep scores as it shows up on the your profile rep sheet. I think if you dont like something that much then its time to make a note to the CLs and ask them to do something. Perhaps fantasy map making is not something that calls for a much -ve rep.