If you are of a certain age the ritual of the Saturday morning cartoon lineup is one that likely conjures up quite a bit of nostalgia. He-Man, Sherah, Scooby Doo, The Real Ghostbusters, G.I.Joe, The Transformers, Strawberry Shortcake, Rainbow Bright, The Care Bears, Duck Tales, Gem and the Holograms, Garfield. These were the toons that molded our young, impressionable imaginations. Your challenge this month is to create a map based on one of these or countless other childhood cartoons. Extra credit to anyone who creates the map in a carnoony style. If you happen to be of a younger generation and missed out on this Saturday morning ritual feel free to map a more contemporary cartoon that appeals to you.

The challenge shall end sometime at or around midnight of the 31st of this month. And as always:

1) Title your thread: August 2020 Challenge: <<your title would go here>>
2) Use the ### Latest WIP ### tag before EVERY work-in-progress image you post so that the image will show up in the thumbnails;
3) Only submit maps begun on or after today (August 4th), maps started earlier than this are ineligible for the contest.