Hello Michi, Eowyn, rdanhenry, and Bruno,

Thank you so much for your responses and critiques. I originally wanted a smaller scale to show mountain detail, knowing that a continental scale would make the contour markers very close and cluttered. (I know the other option, using a higher resolution, was out of the question due to computer limitations.)

I did start out with a fractal, which I modified extensively (and playfully) until I reached a result that merely looked aesthetically pleasing, but not necessarily geologically accurate. Yes, I JUST noticed the jagged rivers; I believe it resulted due to incorrect settings on GIMP's river finding algorithm (Incise Flow), but admittedly 99% my own negligence!

My only problem with writing a tutorial is my own unattainable standards: even though I'm making better maps (thanks to many of your honest critiques), I still think I could do FAR better. I'm striving to become a leading fantasy cartographer, like vorropaiah, but with my own distinct style. That might take decades, and by then who knows, computer technology will probably be able to mimic terrestrial topography better than even the finest artisan on this Guild. (I pray that doesn't happen in my lifetime, though.)

At any rate, thank you for your honest, professional opinions; I shall use them to create another, hopefully better, map.
