Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
For example, a map of the story of the Snow Queen is just fine, but a map of a place named Arendelle with a silly-looking snowman in the corner and the word "Frozen" across the bottom in a specific font style clearly wouldn't be.
Only if you were selling it (though I would be careful about the 'specific font' and definitely not do that).

This is known as "fanart", ya'll. People do it constantly. When big guys like Disney get mad, it's not because someone drew a non-profit piece of fanart that gets 300 views on a tiny website. It's because they put it for sale as a print, a teeshirt, and on a mug, and in Artist Alley and that was their mistake. Disney doesn't care that there are 20000000000 fan lionsonas on DeviantArt, but they REALLY care if you sell art of their IP, and indeed, I have heard of cases of them getting nasty... to people whose art was for sale.

Might I point out a very recent Golden Compass challenge was to map a cartoon. Ei: draw a fanart map. So there's even a split in opinion among the moderators who run these challenges on the value of fanart.

But, it is the rules of this challenge. Draw a non-movie fairy tale! Come on, be creative! I was thinking of mapping the Princess and the Pea and from where all of the mattresses were acquired to return later on.