I think the biggest enemy you have going against you in this map is the blurriness. Other than the the scale seems off. It takes two days to walk across the city for instance? That is really really huge, the internet says the average walking speed for a person is about 3 miles an hour, or 24 miles for an 8 hour day even for modern cities, with cars and such that's big, for a medieval city it's extremely unrealistic. For instance I can walk through the entirety of the Old City of Jerusalem in -I don't know- maybe 20 minutes to 40 minutes. And that with alleys going every which way and up and down a mountain. Medieval cities are all based around walking so it's usually a good place to start. I'm not sure what the dark lines in the lower right corner of the city represent? Docks? It looks like a cool idea, but I feel that if you made a legend for the map it could help organize your own thoughts at the same time as clearing things up for viewers. Actually I'm not really sure what's water and what isn't, colour may have been more distinct in that area. I guess that's actually farmland and such?