Sept/Oct 23 Lite Challenge: A Map with a Hidden Message.
A while back, Simkin posted an Idea for a map challenge, Create a map that hides a message or a symbol, so when you create the map, have to have in mind the secret you wanna hide. For example, the capitol letters of the cities form a word, or you can find a magic symbol if you trace a line between some locations. We know you mappers are creative, come up with something cool.
Think of it as an Indiana Jones adventure map, to get to the right location you need to solve the hidden clue. The clue could reference something on the map as part of the adventure, or the map could be irreverent to the adventure but still contains the secret information that is needed.
As an additional step, everyone who participates the challenge, could give a hint to find the secret, like a game. The hint could be built into the map itself or posted separately.

Whatever you want, just make it interesting.

Please remember to title each thread: "Sept/Oct '23 Lite Challenge: < your title here >"

Also remember to preface each image you want to show up in the thumbnail scraper with: ### Latest WIP ###
(If you don't, your map won't show up for the voters at voting time, which might hurt your chances. ) Try using the WIP Icon to make it nice and easy.

Please note: If you put more than one image on the same post, only one of them gets picked up by the picture scrapper
and it might not be the one you want.

The challenge will end on or about the 14th of OCTOBER, after which we'll have 3 days of voting. The winner of this challenge will receive a silver compass, you know you want one!

Quick rules reminder: The Lite Challenge is open to anyone who has not already won 3 Silver compasses, 1 Gold Compass, or been selected as a featured Cartographer's Choice Map.
Also, the map has to be started on or after the first day of the challenge, no reusing older maps even if they were not finished, unless you start over from scratch.

DEADLINE: End of day, OCTOBER 14. Since I skipped a month, I'm giving you all a little extra time for this one.