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  1. The latest arrow in your quiver - Trellis3D

    by , 12-24-2024 at 08:24 PM (Redrobes blog about playing with the technical side of graphics.)
    Boffins are continuously coming out with new research papers and you can follow some of them on YouTube and other sites. You can see the constant progression of graphics research and most of it at this point in time is focused on using AI to look at images. This paper called Trellis3D by Microsoft research has been pointed out to me and takes a static image, or a set of static images, and turns it into a 3D object.

    So using the exact blog image from the last posts I pushed the statue ...
  2. AutoRealm 3 Development - Initial Stages

    I'm developing a modern AutoRealm version (from the older software named AutoREALM).
    • Currently, it reads the binary and XML v6 file formats and displays all objects minus the line type and end attributes. Loading and display is much faster (a large file load that took 10min with the old software now loads in seconds).
    • Rendering, in general, is much faster. Surface rendering is optimized for closed shapes.
    • It saves in a newer v7 binary format that corrects several issues.
    • Multiple

    Updated 10-29-2024 at 01:29 AM by AtesComp (Add category)

  3. Working on Map for my DND Campaign

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DnD map.jpg 
Views:	3297 
Size:	770.6 KB 
ID:	137588

    This map is for the DnD campaign that I'm running for some of my friends. The premise is that there is this massive floating fortress chained down with four gargantuan chains. At the base of each chain is a medium length dungeon with a boss and an artifact that is tailored to one of the players class (there a 4 players). They believe that a righteous deity is trapped there and after they defeat one of the dungeons the chain breaks. So after 4 dungeons ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DnD map.jpg 
Views:	3552 
Size:	619.0 KB 
ID:	137587  
  4. NEW MAPS by Satalus

    I present to you my most recent creations. The first is the world of Xandoria, a personal creation for my own writings. In four parts.
    While the last one is a commissioned map I have done for a writer and her novel series, the author did not give me a name for her world.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map 001.jpg 
Views:	3026 
Size:	5.56 MB 
ID:	137079

    Updated 02-19-2024 at 06:37 PM by Satalus

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map 002.jpg 
Views:	4363 
Size:	4.21 MB 
ID:	137080   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map 003.jpg 
Views:	4710 
Size:	5.80 MB 
ID:	137081   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map 004.jpg 
Views:	4638 
Size:	6.15 MB 
ID:	137082   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map 005.jpg 
Views:	4705 
Size:	6.50 MB 
ID:	137083  
  5. Writing a travel guide

    Working on a fictional travel guide.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	zuo-hiraz-final-cover-travel-guide (1).jpg 
Views:	4338 
Size:	72.1 KB 
ID:	136794  
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