Quote Originally Posted by Yawningportal View Post
WOW Thanks for the feedback Ive never really had anyone critique my mapwork before. I agree with many of your assessments. Much of my work was trial and error, exploring different ways of drawing maps based on maps from RPG systems I owned and was enamored with at the time. You can see my maps influenced by the Harn world/setting maps and the ICE Middle Earth maps for example. Earlier maps were drawn on "old school" style as used in the Basic/Expert D&D set and Greyhawk. Ive only actually campaigned in a few of them but many of them have pages and pages of detailed information about them which only served as a way to get my thoughts on paper and not necessarily because I ever did anything with them. I have always thought about exploring computer based software but being an Apple user exclusively and not that computer savy to boot, I never found the task very easy ( most programs are only for PCs and are difficult for me to set up). I suppose I could find something these days to help out- but I think my work might lack the artistic experience I like when I sit down with pencil, coloring pencils, paper and start working something out.
Don't be a fool! You know how to draw. Why downgrade from your own creativity and artistic skill?