Hey all!

I'm back with another Heimfold map. No worries, I'm not gonna keep doing this forever, it's my one-but-last one in this series (and then I'll give you all a little bonus, but that one's for later ). So if you're getting sick of these, keep heart, because we're almost there!

Alright. We already had these:

  1. The world map,
  2. The Essence Isles in the north,
  3. Vaysha Rift, the forested western peninsula,
  4. Lestosk, the desert country in the north of the mainland,
  5. Krekyo Dominion, the northeastern peninsula,
  6. Siltar Republic, the mostly empty, but positively vast country taking up the whole SE quadrant of the world map, and
  7. Moonsorrow Bay in the middle of the southern coast.

This next one in our trip around the world is called the Kingdom of Cruxia. As usual it's all Photoshop and a lot of patience.

11h. Kingdom of Cruxia.jpg

Opinions? Critique? Let 'em come!