Photo 4 of 9 from Challenge maps

The Hanging Gardens of Magrael - Winner of the June 2017 Challenge - Reinvent the Hanging Gardens.

Photo Added
07-01-2017, 05:25 PM
Challenge maps
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Photo Comments

  1. Qmoh
    Great! Chapeau bas!
  2. Mouse
    Thank you very much, Qmoh
  3. MapMappingMapped
    Wow! ....Magnificent! (What can I say??) This must have taken a lot of work!
  4. Mouse
    Thank you MMM

    I lose track of how long it takes to make a map, but this one I can definitely say took me a month from start to finish, since it was a Challenge entry
  5. Texas Jake
    I really really like this one. The cliff faces are magnificent. One minor thing I think you could improve. The northern edge of the plateau with Spark Reservoir is not well defined. I think if you add a dark contrast on the leading edge in front of the highlight you would better define the edge. Regardless, this is an amazing map.
  6. Mouse
    You know, I never noticed that. I think I might have accidentally swiped that part of the transparency mask with a brush of black and missed it during the final check! LOL! This whole piece is done with transparency masks on about 10 layers of solid texture. There are only three other layers - to do with shading and shadows
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